BeSmartOnAir #38: Calling Finland

A good laugh, or two – with some friends – is what it takes to lead a long, healthy life!

Somehow, it was a typical (late) afternoon at work: I was feeling really tired when I noticed that it was time to set up StreamYard YouTube Live streaming and get Tiina from Finland on board – it had been way too long since we connected last time. Getting together in the physical world, previously? Heavens, it must be many years but I think I do remember where I met Tiina the very first time – and we were speaking English! Weird, huh, us two Finns?! Somehow, strangely, that has kinda stuck.

Anyway, now when we got the distance-tech-stuff all set and said ‘hi’ I was all of a sudden fully awake again :) Works like magic, meeting with fellow-educator-friends! Tiina was using her iPad, I believe, and the microphones in those devices are not tailor-made specifically for video conferencing so our audio levels didn’t quite match. However, afterwards I ran the extracted mp3 audio through the completely phenomenal Auphonic web service and the result was way better than the YouTube version. Hear for yourself in this corresponding podcast episode.

Tiina has a very special viewpoint into education and the way teaching and learning works in an international context so it’s always extremely interesting to hear what she is up to. Lots of teacher training going on, it seems, so I’ll do my best to give her a proper advance warning later on when we’re planning to go On Air! It sure would be fun to run a roundtable edu discussion forum – a very international one, of course – in (almost) regular fashion. BSoA could do the trick for sure. Want to be a part of this, have some ideas? Do get in touch!

We got into the ‘EdTech weeds’ a bit as well, especially at the very end when Kim jumped in from southern Sweden – super fun! – using his cell phone. Congrats to your Google innovator certification, Kim! That’s not a piece of cake, I believe.. Did I get it right, Kim, you were connecting straight from the (Android) phone browser?! I’m impressed for sure, the way it works. Looking forward to trying this out with some other colleagues – and students!

See you guys On Air soon again!

About niiloa

Former language teacher, GSuite superadmin. YouTuber, podcaster:
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