BSoA Interview: Georg Holzmann (Auphonic)

This BSoA Interview was a bit different from those I’ve done lately, for a couple of reasons. First, Georg lives in a European country (Austria) and it seems I’ve been reaching to the other side of the ‘pond’ pretty often during this winter! Second, he works in a highly tech-intensive field (digital audio processing) even though there is a very clear connection to education here as well. And then, the third thing: this interview was a collaborative effort together with my good friend and colleague Bjorn Behrendt from the US and his EdListen podcast.

All in all, both Bjorn and me are really excited by the pretty amazing algorithms Auphonic has put together, resulting in a semi-automatic process that cleans up and adjusts audio recordings in a way that is very close to magic. Presently, the basic service through a web based interface is free; on top of that, there are both mobile apps and a desktop program available. Needless to say, Auphonic audio processing should be extremely interesting to anyone recording audio in a non-perfect environment and just doesn’t have the time or expertise needed for the post processing (I don’t have any of those resources!).

The Auphonic folks seem to have a rock-solid background in high tech university level audio research and it’s very impressive the way they have been able to turn the results of their work in academia into a well functioning service anyone can try out. Great job and further refinements and news are apparently in the pipeline!

Audio-only version of the interview available here.

About niiloa

Former language teacher, GSuite superadmin. YouTuber, podcaster:
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